When is Too Much Gaming

    Detecting Signs of Possible Video Game Addiction

    Updated at September 11th, 2024

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    DisclaimerThis material is for educational purposes only. You, the reader, assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it. It is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, nor does it replace the advice or counsel of a doctor or health care professional. Reference to a specific commercial product or service does not imply endorsement or recommendation of that product or service by CPCMG.


    While many children play video games in moderation, some may become overly obsessed with them.  If you are noticing that your child is neglecting their school work and in-person time spent with family and friends, it may be time to dial down on how much gaming is allowed.  

    Some children and teens can even develop gaming addiction.  The way gaming addiction develops is believed to be similar to how other addictions such as to alcohol and drugs, form.  The act of playing and winning games increases the level of the “feel good” chemical in our brain called dopamine.  This gives a person a sense of a high mood and a rush of energy.  Kids can start to crave this “high” and game obsessively in order to keep feeling it.  Signs and symptoms of gaming addiction include:

    • Derives intense pleasure from gaming  
    • Consistently left wanting more gaming time
    • Consistently irritable or even aggressive when game time is restricted
    • Consistently choosing gaming over other activities or in-person time spent with friends
    • Lying to family members about the amount of time spent gaming  
    • Frequently losing sense of time when gaming
    • Frequently forgetting or ignoring other responsibilities like school work and jobs to game instead
    • Frequently forgetting or choosing not to eat, sleep, or take care of personal hygiene to game instead

    If you are concerned about possible gaming addiction in your child, please speak to your child’s clinician as help is available.  Treatment for gaming addiction involves intense cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) either in-patient and outpatient settings, family therapy, and treatment of co-existing disorders such as anxiety or depression if present.

    This publication was authored by CPCMG Associate Director of Behavioral Mental Health, Dr. Patty Lee, and Harrison Howard, P.A.

    Reviewed by: HH P.A., PL M.D., HB M.D. | 06/2024