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    Self Care Strategies

    Consider implementing some of these strategies for depression, anxiety, or for simple self-improvement.

    Updated at March 17th, 2023


    DisclaimerThis material is for educational purposes only. You, the reader, assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it. It is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, nor does it replace the advice or counsel of a doctor or health care professional. Reference to a specific commercial product or service does not imply endorsement or recommendation of that product or service by CPCMG.

    Keep a Set Schedule

    1. Write a daily schedule Mon-Fri and a separate one for Sat-Sun
    2. Be realistic and be intentional in scheduling “breaks” for yourself throughout the day to grab snacks, get tea or a smoothie, text with friends, go for a quick bike ride, paint your nails, etc.
    3. Try to stick to it as best as you can.  The goal is not perfection – you can be flexible but having structure is important to becoming healthy!


    Practice Good Hygiene

    1. Wash your face, brush your teeth in the morning and at night.
    2. Shower or bathe daily.
    3. Change into clean clothes daily (even if what you were wearing yesterday is not dirty).
    4. Clip your nails weekly.
    5. Try home pedicures/manicures with a family member or friend.
    6. Put on light make up in the morning (if allowed) even if you are not going anywhere.
    7. Try a different hairstyle or color (if allowed).


    Get Adequate Sleep

    1. Establish a consistent bedtime and wake up time (sleep when it’s dark outside and be awake when it’s light outside)

         Goal for < 12 years old:  10-11 hours/night

         Goal for adolescents: 8-9 hours/night

    2. Establish a shut-off time for all screens at least one hour before bedtime.

    3. Take a warm shower/bath to relax yourself before bed

    4. Try reading a book for pleasure (not for school) or listen to an audiobook before bed

    5. Try a mediation or mindfulness app before bed 

         Ex.  Mindfulness Coach, Calm, Headspace

    6. Listen to calming music before bed

    7. ”Gratitude” journaling before bed

         Ex.  Reflect back on the day and write down 3 things you were thankful for today

    8. “Hope” journaling before bed

         Ex. Think and write down 3 things you look forward to or hope for tomorrow and ways you can try to make them a reality

    9. Trial of melatonin 3-10 mg before bed

    10. Avoid taking regular naps in the afternoon as this can disturb your normal sleep cycle


    Eat Healthy Foods

    1. Eat a protein-rich breakfast (ex. cup of yogurt, fruit) consistently
    2. Eat a protein-rich lunch with a family member, friend
    3. Research recipes that seem good to you and help shop for the ingredients and cooking/baking it on your own or with family/friends.  Start a recipe folder to collect “keeper” recipes
    4. Help make dinner once a week 
    5. Eat dinner consistently but avoid eating after 9 pm
    6. Eat at least one fruit per day (feel free to eat more!)
    7. Decrease soda to 1-2x/week
    8. Drink more water 
      • Goal Ages 4-8:  7 cups/day (1.5 L)
      • Goal Ages 9-13:  9-10 cups/day (2-2.5 L)
      • Goal Ages 14+:  10-14 cups/day (2-3 L)


    Get Adequate Exercise

    1. Pick an exercise that is actually feasible and be very specific in your goal 

         Ex. Walk around the neighborhood for 15 minutes 3x/week

    2. Try out something you haven’t done before such as yoga, Zumba, etc.

         Ex. “Yoga with Adrienne” on YouTube

    3. Plan an outdoor activity with a family member or friend at least 1x/week 

         Ex.  hiking, biking, swimming, surfing/body boarding, Frisbee, sports


    Minimize Screen Time

    1. Designate a specific time during the day to watch an episode of your favorite show, browse the internet (goal 2-3 hours at most on school night)
    2. Take a break from social media for 1 day, then 2 days, then 3 days, etc. 
    3. Establish a “shut off” time for all screens at least 1 hour before bedtime and charge electronics outside of the bedroom


    Nurture Important Relationships

    1. Set up a regular “date” with your friends or relatives to chat

         Ex. Zoom calls at 5 pm Mon, Wed, Fri for an hour

    2. Plan an outdoor activity with your friend(s) or relatives (ex. hike, biking, beach)

    3. Learn a new skill together 

         Ex. Skateboard tricks, knitting, creating a website, etc. 

    4. Do a random/intentional act of kindness for your friend or a relative who lives alone or far away once a week.

         Ex.  Letter/note through snail-mail, baking cookies for delivery, tutoring a younger relative online


    Develop New Skills or a Hobby

    1. Think of a non-academic skill you would like to have and research ways to learn it 

         Ex.  YouTube tutorial, virtual classes, in-person classes, relatives/friends who are skilled

    2. Tackle a project you have been putting off

         Ex.  Rearranging your bedroom furniture, painting the bedroom a different color