English (US)

    Resources and Programs for Living Healthy

    Nutrition, physical activity, screen time, social/emotional wellness and sleep

    Updated at August 27th, 2024

    Disclaimer [ENGLISH]


    DisclaimerThis material is for educational purposes only. You, the reader, assume full responsibility for how you choose to use it. It is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, nor does it replace the advice or counsel of a doctor or health care professional. Reference to a specific commercial product or service does not imply endorsement or recommendation of that product or service by CPCMG.


    Heathy Living Resources- General

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



    Everybody Gets Mad: Helping Your Child Cope with Conflict Social/emotional wellness
    Helping Children Handle Stress
    The Importance of Meditation Breaks for Kids
    Music and Mood
    Health Benefits of Yoga for Kids
    Signs of Overload
    Staying Cool When Things Heat Up
    Tips to Support Healthy Mental & Emotional Development in Your Child Building Resilence
    Building Resilience in Children
    Childhood Grief: When to Seek Additional Help
    How to Talk With Your Child When They're Stressed
    Creating Positive Experiences: Infant
    Creating Positive Experiences: Toddlers and Preschool-aged Children
    Creating Positive Experiences: School-aged children
    Creating Positive Experiences: Teens
    Activity Checker Fitness
    11 Ways to Encourage Your Child to be Physically Active
    Core Exercises: Guidlelines and Examples
    Physical Activity Recommendations 
    Importance of Recess
    How to Get Fit
    Overcoming Obstacles to Physical Activity
    Physical Activity = Better Health
    FITT Plan for Physical Activity
    Recipes Nutrition - Tips
    5 Great Reasons to Cook with Your Kid
    Hunger vs Boredom
    Avoid Food Traps
    Feeding Your Family on a Budget
    Choosing Healthy Snacks for Kids
    5-2-1-0 Approach
    Holiday Food Safety Tips
    How to Get Your Child to Eat More Fruits & Veggies
    How to Tame Your Child's Sweet Tooth: Tips for Parents
    Hungry in a Hurry
    Juice Boxes
    Making Sure Your Child is Eating Enough
    Recommended Drinks for Children Ages 5 & Younger
    5 Food Group Example Choices
    All About Eggs Nutrition - Info
    Importance of Breakfast
    Importance of Calcium 
    Nutrition Facts Label
    Childhood Nutrition
    Choose Water for Healthy Hydration
    Recommended Food and Drink Amounts for Children
    Fat, Salt, and Sugar: Not All Bad
    Food Additives
    Minerals: Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium
    Nutrition and Supplements
    Portions and Serving Sizes
    Sweeteners and Sugar Substitutes
    Vitamin D
    Protein-Rich Alternatives Nutrition - Allergies, Alternatives, Dietary Restrictions, Picky Eaters
    Common Food Allergies
    Cow's Milk Alternatives
    Food Allergies in Children
    Food Substitutions
    Gluten-Free Shopping Tips for Parents
    How to Please Fussy Eaters
    Lactose Intolerance
    Managing Food Allergies
    Plant Based Diet
    Tips for Feeding Picky Eaters
    A Lullaby for Good Health Sleep
    Bedtime Routines for School-Aged Children
    When to Switch From a Crib
    Healthy Sleep Habits
    Separation Anxiety & Sleeping Trouble in Young Children
    Staying Out Late & Curfews
    Toddler Bedtime Trouble Tips
    Age-Appropriate Media Media
    Healthy Media Use Habits
    How Media Use can Affect Your Child
    Food and Media: Not a Healthy Mix
    How to Build Healthy Digital Habits
    Multiplayer Games Online: How to Help Keep Kids Safe
    Parental Controls: Setting Safe & Healthy Media Limits
    Parents of Young Children: Why Your Screen Time Matters, Too
    Screen Time & Temper Tantrums
    Importance of Handwriting in the Digital Age

    Cooking Matters Recipes


    Programs by Region and Specialty

    Southern Riverside

    Riverside City Gov Nutrition Education and Obesity  Prevention Branch   Nutrition / Obesity
    UCANR Community Nutrition and Health   Nutrition / Obesity
    Riverside Food System Alliance Community Resources   Nutrition / Obesity
    Riverside University Health System Obesity Resources   Obesity